Blue panels with white words at the end of a staircase

Recovering and Uncovering College Histories

十多年了, 学生, 教师, 工作人员, and administrators have actively explored the College’s archives, 寻找遗失的历史, understand and address the legacy of our first Dean and second President M. Carey Thomas, and to expand the record of who worked, studied, taught, and helped to build Bryn Mawr. 

2023年3月安装, a new exhibit in Old Library (first floor below the main entrance) provides a timeline of these initiatives and research projects that continue to shed light on our past, 承认伤害, remind us of stories that are missing—while sharing those that have been recovered—and contribute to a fuller understanding of the College. 




College publishes "Offerings to Athena," a history of the College through student writings and 图像s from the archives.

First course on BMC history taught by Elliot Shore, 首席信息官, 图书馆馆长, 历史教授.



LITS Obtains Major Grants to Create Greenfield Digital Center on the History of Women’s Education: 2011-2018

Center supports student-designed College history projects, including:

2014年:推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的多样性. Created by Impact Center Fellows Lauren Footman ’14 and Alexis de la Rosa ’15.

2014年:布莱克在布林莫尔. Digital exhibit and tour created by Grace Pusey ’15 and Emma Kioko ’15. Advisors: Postdoctoral Fellow Monica Mercado 历史教授 Sharon Ullman.

2014–2016: We Are, We Have Always Been. Exhibit on LGBT student life at Bryn Mawr,

1970-2000 created by Brenna Levitan ’16. Advisor: Postdoctoral Fellow Monica Mercado.

(图片来源:BMC学生c. 1970s)


Selected Independent Student Archival Projects Exhibits Supported by the College’s Special Collections Staff: 2017-Present

2017: Re-Vision: Archiving Black Student Experiences at Bryn Mawr. 由Alexis Wiltshire ' 17创建.

2017: Profiles of Alumnae Donors to the African Art and Artifacts Collection. 由Maria Shellman ' 17策划.

2019年:中世纪犹太殉道者. Oral history project and exhibition created by Impact Center Fellow Caitlin Haskett ’20.

2019–Present: 佩里的房子 Oral History Project. Student project funded by a LITS Digital Scholarship Grant and supported by The Impact Center and 女毕业生/我 Relations and Development. 由Janina Calle ' 21创作, 阿莉娅·约瑟夫22岁, 蕾哈娜·欧默21届, Reece Carew-Lyons 23岁, Lana Giha ' 24, 帕特里夏·奥贡贝,24岁, Vanessa Gitau, 22岁, 还有25岁的梅根·奥莫洛.

2020年:‘24’,‘31’学生学习比赛. Student digital exhibit on 1924 and 1931 campus conferences on race. Advisors: Vanessa Davies, Provost’s Office, and Alice McGrath, Digital Scholarship Specialist. 由Cindy Chea ' 22创建, Hilana El-Mekkoussi, 21岁, 佩顿·莫里亚蒂,21岁, Tino Nguruve ' 22, Andrea Samz-Pustol (GSAS), 22岁的伊丽莎白·赵.

2020-2021年:玫瑰也是如此. Digital exhibit funded by the President’s Office to honor the 100th anniversary of the Summer School for Women Workers in Industry (1921–1938) created by Beck Morawski ’21.



College Addresses Naming of Thomas Library: 2017-2018

August 2017: President Cassidy issues moratorium on use of name, creates History Working Group to research and make recommendation.

May 2018: History Working Group recommends that the College discontinue use of the name Thomas while retaining the inscription over the building’s main entrance as part of a “layering history upon history” approach to articulating truer, fuller histories of BMC and elevating contributions of silenced people.

July 2018: Board accepts the Working Group recommendation and endorses use of the name Old Library. College installs new signage and revises campus map.



President Cassidy Creates Working Groups to Implement HWG Recommendations: 2018-2019

Telling History Group installs signage in Old Library that provides a more complete history of M. Carey Thomas and an addition to National Historic Landmark plaque within Old Library. The group also recommends restorative justice actions (e.g. 校园纪念/标志), 对学生研究的持续支持, 未来的国际会议, further gathering and amplification of untold stories, and an ongoing history advisory group.

History Infrastructure Group examines 工作人员ing, 技术, and processes needed to support robust student engagement.


谁建造了布林茅尔? 图像

College Implementation of Recommendations: 2017-Present

2019–ongoing: President Cassidy creates a History Advisory Group that includes 学生, 教师, 和工作人员.

2020–ongoing: Professor of History Ignacio Gallup-Diaz creates Telling Bryn Mawr Histories Praxis course, 2020年和2021年春季学期授课, and expands to other instructors beginning 2022. Mid-2020, launch of "谁建造了布林茅尔?"研究项目. 

2021年至今:“谁建造了布林茅尔??" project hosts first of planned series of exhibits featuring people and initiatives that helped to shape the College but have been forgotten or lost. Pilot created by 工作人员 from Special Collections and the President’s Office and Emma Burns ’21; subsequent exhibits created through funded student internship program advised by 教师 and Special Collections.

2021–2025: Bryn Mawr partners with Monument Lab, a public art and history studio, 制作艺术品或纪念物 通过社区参与了解情况. Courses, student internships, and special events are included in the project design.
